Thursday 27 November 2014

Visit Samoa!


Talofa. Afio mai! That is Hello and welcome in Samoan! My blog will tell you all about Samoa, to its complex history to its beautiful beaches. Please enjoy!

Imagine picturesque beaches, diverse tropical forests and rich culture. Think a place like that is impossible to find? Think again. Samoa fits exactly to that description, with it being the absolute best island in Polynesia.
With the Samoa Conference centre and the world renown Sinalei Resort it can fit a lifestyle of a businessman (or woman) or a newly wedded couple for an outstanding holiday. It is undoubtedly a small sanctuary to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, and the perfect holiday destination for anyone.


Samoa is an Oceania country surrounding the western part of the Samoan Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. It is currently an independent country. It is known to be full of rich culture, In fact, Samoa is home to the happiest people in Polynesia and perhaps the world! 

With 190,372 people populating an island with a land mass of 2,944 km² Samoa is one of the larger islands in Polynesia (and the best). 

A map showing Samoa


When you visit Samoa it is important to appreciate and understand the history. Originally, the first human settlement thought to be around 1500 B.C, this is found through the pottery shards discovered by archaeologists. Samoans originally migrated south-east from Taiwan via the Philippines, the Melanesian Islands and Fiji. It's closest neighbours are Tonga to the south and Fiji to the west.

File:High Chief and family, Samoa, ca 1914.jpg
A Samoan high chief and his family

The Samoan language is a Polynesian language that originated in Taiwan. It is characterised by many vowels and less use of consonants. 

 Since a 1000 A.D Samoa has been connected to Fiji and Tonga by virtue by being included in a kingdom. According to the oral tradition there was a long history of battles being fought between the kingdoms. They've also been connected by intermarriage between royal family. 

There is much mythology surrounding the wartime history in Samoa. For example, there is a story about the Tongan King being conquered and driven out of Samoa after 500 years of ruling Samoa. These tales reflect Samoa's colourful and stormy past.

European Settlement 

European Settlement in Samoa has contributed many aspects in modern day life such as religion, political views and some cultural changes. 

Samoans upon a German warship

Contact with Europeans first started in 1722 with a visit by Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen. This visit was followed by Frenchman Louis-Antoine de Bougainville who named Samoa and the surrounding islands Navigator Islands in 1768.

The first English missions were estabilshed in the 1830's, bringing Christianity and Western culture. These journeys did not develop into settlement or closer contact until the British arrival in the 1830's along with the German plantation of cocoa bean and copra (the dried kernal of a coconut, which is used to produce coconut oil).  

A warship that was destroyed after the storm

In the late 1800's a struggle began between Britain, Germany and United States over control Samoa's resources and political power. Each country tried to influence different tribal groups by providing weapons and other supplies. In March 1889 a storm in Apia harbour disrupted a naval conflict between the three European countries. 

During the early 1900's, A non-violent resistance movement for independence from coloniel rule called the Mau was formed. The Mau movement operated by refusing to pay taxes, withdrawal from council committees, ignoring officals, neglecting plantations and refusing to send their children to school.  Trouble within the movement came to a peak when New Zealand officals shot 11 members of the Mau in 1928.

How Samoa is represented as Polynesia as a whole

Samoan or Gagana Sāmoa  is the language spoken in the Samoan Islands,  It is a Polynesian language, and it is spoken fluently throughout Samoa. 

Importantly, Samoan is closely related to other Polynesian languages with many shared  words such as ali'i'avaatuatapu and most numerals as well. This places Samoa in an strong position to represent Polynesia as a whole. 

The Superiority of the social system 

"Fa'asamoa," , means the Samoan way - the way of our ancestors.

A Samoan female ceremonial dancer
Fa'asamoa has kept Samoans proud of their history, and suspicious of changes that may impact on their traditional structure and way of life. However, fa'asamoa has been able to bend allowing the community to cope with changes that foreign traders, missionaries, and military forces bring.  This shows a great strength and ability to blend the old with the new. This is another amazing point as to why Samoa should represent Polynesia as a whole.

Also, one of the many attractions of Polynesia is its diversity. Native people of the Pacific are of similar origin with the related languages, customs, and cultures, yet, each is different.  Samoa reflects this with its ability to accommodate and cope with a range of new pressures and influences.

A very basic ingredient in Samoa life is the aiga (the family). At the head of each aiga is the matai, a position of rank and authority. In the Samoan Social System each village is an entity acting independent of other villages. Although each person in the village is usually related to people of other villages, each community governs its own activities. Much of the Samoan social system is based on status, who has the highest 

The height of the roof for example determines  the status of the owner, and is also 

reflective of the  social structure that governs the Samoan way of life. It is still a land where status is more important than material possessions and the only Polynesian culture where the title is more important than the person. Samoa is unique, interesting and beautiful! Why wouldn't you want to go?


An artists depiction of the God Tagaloa
Samoan mythology features many different types of gods including the sea, rain, war, harvest, forest and village gods. They worship two types of gods, human and non-human.

Tagaloa is the highest god who made the islands and the people. Mafui'e is the god of earthquakes who wreacked havoc on Samoa. There were also a number of war gods such as Nafanua. Nafanua, Samoa's warrior goddess comes from  the village of Falealupo on Savai'i island, which is also the entry site to Pulotu, the spirit world.
Nafanua's father Saveasi'uleo was the god of Pulotu.  A common legend tells the story of two sisters Tilafaiga and Taema who introduce the art of tattoo (or Pe'a)  to Samoa from Fiji. 

Samoan artwork is incredible!

Samoa's artwork is rich, full of tattoos, textiles and amazing cultural patterns. The Samoans pride themselves in their artwork, which takes great practice and skill and is mainly practised by women. 

The Samoan Siapo is a natural type of fabric made from the bark of a paper mulberry or breadfruit tree decorated with traditional designs such as turtles, hibiscus flowers and fish. The siapo is used for clothing, decorative reasons or even wrapping objects. It is an artform that diminished over the years, but is again becoming popular. Ornaments and jewellery are made from natural products such as sea, shells, coconut and coir.

Samoan tattoo design 

Another artfrom is the tattoo. Samoan tattoos are intricate and detailed and popular among  men. Traditionally, tattoos  showed strength and power because of the pain associated with the practice. Culturally, men usually had the tattoos around the waist to the knees, but the  modernized version features tattoos on the forearms. 

Music of Samoa
Music is a integral part of Samoa life
Music and Dance in Samoa has always played a massive part in the Samoan lifestyle. They essentially use vocals accompanied by rhythmic percussion and wind instruments. Dances are also performed with music for cultural reasons or for tourism means. Samoans entertain each other with the ula which two groups alternate between singing and dancing.


Samoan architecture is portrayed by the openness of the Samoan culture. Big windows, stable straw roofs and durable frames suits the everyday life of a Samoan. I recommend having the full cultural experience by staying in a traditional fale.
Or course, In modern Samoa some homes are constructed from western materials and designs but many homes still feature the Samoan way of building. Traditionally Samoan houses have a fale talimalo (guest house) and a fale fono (meeting house). Size and lavishness depends on the position and power the family has in the village.

Samoan homes are constructed with afa which is dried coconut strands made into string. The actual form of the houses are normally domed shaped, with a supporting structure raising the house above ground. The floor is typically covered in flat, smooth river stones which is ideal for keeping the building a balanced temperature. For comfort, mats are placed over the stones that are made from coconut leaf pola and dried pandanus leaves.

Visit Samoa!

Samoa is literally the perfect destination in Polynesia, and should unequivocally be your next holiday destination. With its beautiful siapo art, the happiest people on earth and the amazing location; Samoa represents Polynesia with style and diversity.

General Facts of Samoa
Official name
Malo Sa’oloto Tuto’atasi o Samoa (Samoan); Independent State of Samoa (English)
Form of government
Mix of parliamentary democracy and Samoan customs with one Legislative house (Legislative Assembly [491])
Head of state
Head of State: Tuiatua Tupua Tamasese Efi
Head of government
Prime Minister: Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi
Official languages
Samoan; English
Official religion
None but Christianity is practiced by almost everyone
Monetary unit
tala (SAT)
(2013 est.) 190,000

Gallery of the wonderful Samoan natural context

To Sua Ocean Trench

Vavau beach

View from a lookout in beautiful Samoa
Relax on the sandy beaches of Aganoa Beach Retreat
The charming family owned resort Tanu Beach Fales


Samoa is offers a diverse collection of accommodation, from traditional beach fales to relaxing resorts. All accommodation is affordable with amazing quality and hospitality (Samoa is home to the happiest people in Polynesia, maybe even the world!).

Some resorts I personally recommend are:

Sinalei Resort

This boutique resort blends the magic and diversity of Samoa into one resort. The resort is slightly pricey but its definitely worth it. Sinalei Resort is situated in Upolu.

Prices per night

Upolu Resort

This tranquil resort is also located in Upolu and features amazing surroundings. It is nestled in a small sandy bay directly in front of the beach.

7 day packages

Lusia's Lagoon Chalet's

Lusia lagoon chalet's are an inexpensive getaway from all the stress of daily life. With the chalets looking over the crystal clear water its the perfect little paradise for anyone. 91% of guests that stayed here recommend it to others!

  • With the lowest price for only $338.59 AUS dollars per week! Its a total bargain!

10 Things to do in Samoa

The Falealupo Canopy Walk
  1. Savaii Turtle Swim - The village of Satoalepai you can have the unique experience of swimming with turtles for a very small fee
  2. To Sua Trench - The To Sua Trench is an ideal site that is located near Lotofaga village
  3. Palolo Deep Marine Reserve - This untouched protected marine park features the most stunning fish and coral for an amazing snorkelling trip.
  4. Piula Cave Pools - The Pilula Cave Pools are two breathtaking natural freshwater pools joined underground. Swim through from one pool to the other if you dare!
  5. The Saleaula Lava fields - Walk through the grave of a volcanic eruptions on mount Matavanu and express your science side!
  6. The Alofaaga Blowholes - These blowholes are located in the village of Taga in the South-West of Savaii. Watch as the 'Coconut man' throws coconut husks onto the blowhole for them to thrown up into the air. Quirky and exciting!
  7. The Falealupo Canopy Walk - This canopy walk is a swing bridge located in an unbelievelbe context. Rich and luscious jungle surround you as you take in the marvel that is Samoa.

Tofa soifua or Goodbye! Thankyou for enjoying my blog 

1 comment:

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